Thursday, February 12, 2015

Third and Fourth Hand Cigarette Smoke and The Pathology of Smoking

Second (2nd) hand smoke is the most commonly known however the residues of cigarette toxins, as well, have long lasting impact. They are known as third and fourth hand smoke.

Third (3rd) hand smoke is the chemical off-gassing from an item that has been directly affected by second (2nd) hand smoke. For example, many of the over 4000 chemical residues from combustion attach themselves to people's skin, clothing, furniture, walls, carpets, car interiors, anything at all that the smoke connects with.

Smokers also emit these chemicals from their skin, as the skin is the largest organ of elimination of wastes in the body, next to the lungs, liver and kidneys. Massage therapists who are aware can attest, when they give massage therapy to a smoker, their hands often carry the scent of cigarettes for days on end, and some even get sick from it.

Fourth (4th) hand smoke then, is the transfer of 3rd hand smoke from these items or the physical skin itself via touch to and from another person or item, again transferring the chemicals onward.

Does the mother who smokes change her clothing, wash her hands and brush her teeth after each cigarette before again touching her child? If she does, she is limiting a certain level of 4th hand smoke transfer, however, it is still off-gassing from her own body and breath, so it will never be nil.

One cannot make their body a toxic soup of chemicals and not leach them from said body. Understanding some basic physiology and chemistry can help someone understand how the body expresses to heal and will blow off unwanted material through the common elimination routes.

As smoking is a drug addiction, one must understand the psychology of the drug addicted mindset. Many smokers will excuse their behaviour by saying they do not smoke around children or in the house or car however, they conveniently ignore the other toxic residues they create by their very action of imbibing in the act, then sitting on a couch, getting into their car, touching other people, etc.

Smokers also make excuses as to not feel guilty about their addiction by becoming easily offended at those who point out the truth and facts, just like any ego who refuses to take self-responsibility for their actions.

Often they will say they have a right to smoke because it is a free world. However, pardon the pun, this is a smokescreen for deeper pathology.

It is important also to understand that this is not a free world. Most of the world is under a debt slave system which gives the illusion of choice when really people are dictated to by corporate agenda altering people's free thought via influencing their emotional, sexual, social and commercial activities and choices. Peer pressure, bullying (from both adults and children), and a whole host of societal pressures lead to anxiety disorders, isolation, working poverty and more can all drive people to smoke cigarettes as a poor form of self-medication, stress management or emotional dulling, yet they think they made this decision to become addicted 'freely'. 

There is often a deep grief (in Traditional Chinese Medicine the lungs are the seat of grief) that the sucking back action of smoking suppresses. As well, there are secondary emotional challenges they are avoiding or suppressing for fear of the pain of releasing their emotion and accepting their mistakes lovingly. Guilt is another common suppressed/avoided emotion.

It is quite a tragedy of our culture, who's emotional intelligence is often stagnated by personal or group unresolved trauma, as well as a lack of learned skills to self heal and manage emotions, within a defunct medical system that not only applauded smoking back in the day (as MDs are mere tools of the corporate agenda), but offers no care or effective support to help people with emotional or mental challenges other than drugging (suppressing) them further or using worthless talk therapy.

Another avoidance behaviour/excuse made by the addicted controlled mind is that those around them have not been made sick by their addiction so it must be alright for them to both, do it, and potentially expose others. Again, this is a flaw of clear thought and logic, commonly seen with other addictions like to junk food or alcohol, that if the person does not fall ill or die immediately, directly, overtly, blatantly, outright & observably, then there is no negative effect. They are 'fine'.

As health deterioration is caused by many consistent assaults and from multiple sources over time, the effects to an untrained eye can be labelled as 'fine'. However, as the medically educated and holistically trained know, the body is constantly having to detox and balance environmental assaults: vaccines, oxidative stress (free radicals), parasites, pathogens, pollution from food, air, water, plastics, chemicals, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), chemtrails, etc., that once the body's own immune system fails at this task, disease takes hold and builds.

People properly trained in observable physiology and/or TCM can easily see signs of illness before they become clinical. Tongue and pulse diagnoses for example, or doing basic nervous system tests, as well, taking a full case history to uncover long standing fatigue, arthritis, back pain, sluggish digestion, weight issues: symptoms that people just accept as normal, etc., can highlight where the body is struggling and what needs to be done to prevent full scale chronic disease. Living vibrantly is becoming less and less known...whilst just 'getting by' is labelled as fine because they aren't in a wheelchair or dead. It's erroneous logic at best.

Anyone who has their nasal receptors in working order (non-smokers generally as smokers usually have their taste/scent receptors damaged and blocked by chemical residues as well as their livers overwhelmed which controls scent sensitivity) can notice the distinct aroma of cigarettes on items or people who have smoked recently, hours previously or even a long while ago, as the half-life of many of these chemicals can be quite long.

I often recommend that smokers switch out 'their brand', which they are loyal to due to the addiction to the specific additives unique to that brand, and grow or find locally grown, non-sprayed, unaltered tobacco leaves to smoke while their body detoxes the thousands of chemicals stored in them and on them.

Heavy metals will need to be chelated actively (bentonite and zeolite clays are great for this), some chemicals are stored in the body indefinitely unless sought after, a healthy food plan, juicing, emotional support, journal writing, and ultimately, a full lifestyle change are the next steps to smash the habit for good.

Tobacco was used respectfully by the First Nations to aid in calm communication with other tribes and to bring people together, to work together in cooperation and to honour and protect mother earth. It was never habitually abused and laced with additives. Now tobacco is a sign of a dysfunctional society, emotional isolation, disrespect to self, others and the earth, as well as being ostracized and damaged.

To witness a person unconsciously smoking, leaving a trail of smoke behind them, careless to anyone who may breathe in that toxic cocktail, then flick the filter onto the road or sidewalk that takes decades to biodegrade, that kills fish and other wildlife, that further pollutes the water and the earth, highlights complete disrespect for life itself. It is a true illness, one that doesn't need laws or mandates to halt, it needs support, proper programs and love to cure. 

It's time for self-love, it's time for self-forgiveness, it's time for self-healing, it's time for self-responsibility. There is true help available.

Due to lack of self love, smokers set themselves up to be judged by others who wish for themselves or their loved ones not to be polluted by 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand smoke. Many people have chemical sensitivities and a small whiff of residue can lead to nausea, headaches, or other negative symptoms. Others simply wish to not have to breathe in someone else's chemicals. Many get sore throats even from a small exposure. It is a birthright to have the choice to breathe fresh air. It is not a birthright to be able to pollute other people. This leads to outright disdain for smokers, fueling hatred as well as psychic attacks. People who love themselves would not set themselves up in this way.

Just like all plant medicine, tobacco has it's proper place in ceremony, as one of the four directions (along side cedar, sweet grass and sage). It also has healing benefits when used correctly, for healing catarrh and other ailments.

May it find it's proper place once again.

May all come home to the truth of their light.

May all beings be released from suffering.


Amandha Dawn Vollmer holds a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology from the University of Lethbridge. She graduated from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2008. She is a powerful healer, teacher, wildcrafter and alchemist, using nutrition, education, reiki, spiritual and vibrational awareness to assist many people in ridding themselves of suppressive drugs & serious health imbalances.

She is mompreneur and owner of Yummy Mummy Emporium, a brick & mortar and online store supplying environmentally sound products for the holistic family, handcrafting, using her vast skill sets, natural body care products, such as natural toothpastes, deodorants, creams, salves, healthy bug deterrents, wildcrafted teas, essential oils/aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies, flower essences, colloidal silver, professional supplements and more. She gives natural healing sessions using nutrition, supplements & reiki, in person or distance. She is also a registered Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, holding regular training classes.

Please visit her at and on her facebook page

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Ingredients of a Cigarette

There are more than 4,000 ingredients in a cigarette other than tobacco. 

Common additives include yeast, wine, caffeine, beeswax and chocolate. 

Here are some other ingredients: 

Ammonia: Household cleaner
Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
Cadmium: Used in batteries
Cyanide: Deadly poison
DDT: A banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
Lead: Poisonous in high doses
Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
Methoprene: Insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element


Here is a full list of the 4000 chemicals in cigarettes:

• Acetanisole
• Acetic Acid
• Acetoin
• Acetophenone
• 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane
• 2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine
• 2-Acetyl-5-Methylfuran
• Acetylpyrazine
• 2-Acetylpyridine
• 3-Acetylpyridine
• 2-Acetylthiazole
• Aconitic Acid
• dl-Alanine
• Alfalfa Extract
• Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
• Allyl Hexanoate
• Allyl Ionone
• Almond Bitter Oil
• Ambergris Tincture
• Ammonia
• Ammonium Bicarbonate
• Ammonium Hydroxide
• Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic
• Ammonium Sulfide
• Amyl Alcohol
• Amyl Butyrate
• Amyl Formate
• Amyl Octanoate
• alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde
• Amyris Oil
• trans-Anethole
• Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil
• Anise
• Anise Star, Extract and Oils
• Anisyl Acetate
• Anisyl Alcohol
• Anisyl Formate
• Anisyl Phenylacetate
• Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins
• Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
• 1-Arginine
• Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil
• Ascorbic Acid
• 1-Asparagine Monohydrate
• 1-Aspartic Acid
• Balsam Peru and Oil
• Basil Oil
• Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
• Beeswax White
• Beet Juice Concentrate
• Benzaldehyde
• Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal
• Benzoic Acid, Benzoin
• Benzoin Resin
• Benzophenone
• Benzyl Alcohol
• Benzyl Benzoate
• Benzyl Butyrate
• Benzyl Cinnamate
• Benzyl Propionate
• Benzyl Salicylate
• Bergamot Oil
• Bisabolene
• Black Currant Buds Absolute
• Borneol
• Bornyl Acetate
• Buchu Leaf Oil
• 1,3-Butanediol
• 2,3-Butanedione
• 1-Butanol
• 2-Butanone
• 4(2-Butenylidene)-3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-Cyclohexen-1-One
• Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil
• Butyl Acetate
• Butyl Butyrate
• Butyl Butyryl Lactate
• Butyl Isovalerate
• Butyl Phenylacetate
• Butyl Undecylenate
• 3-Butylidenephthalide
• Butyric Acid]
• Cadinene
• Caffeine
• Calcium Carbonate
• Camphene
• Cananga Oil
• Capsicum Oleoresin
• Caramel Color
• Caraway Oil
• Carbon Dioxide
• Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
• Carob Bean and Extract
• beta-Carotene
• Carrot Oil
• Carvacrol
• 4-Carvomenthenol
• 1-Carvone
• beta-Caryophyllene
• beta-Caryophyllene Oxide
• Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract
• Cassia Bark Oil
• Cassie Absolute and Oil
• Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
• Cedar Leaf Oil
• Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
• Cedrol
• Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
• Cellulose Fiber
• Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
• Chicory Extract
• Chocolate
• Cinnamaldehyde
• Cinnamic Acid
• Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
• Cinnamyl Acetate
• Cinnamyl Alcohol
• Cinnamyl Cinnamate
• Cinnamyl Isovalerate
• Cinnamyl Propionate
• Citral
• Citric Acid
• Citronella Oil
• dl-Citronellol
• Citronellyl Butyrate
• itronellyl Isobutyrate
• Civet Absolute
• Clary Oil
• Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
• Cocoa
• Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
• Coconut Oil
• Coffee
• Cognac White and Green Oil
• Copaiba Oil
• Coriander Extract and Oil
• Corn Oil
• Corn Silk
• Costus Root Oil
• Cubeb Oil
• Cuminaldehyde
• para-Cymene
• 1-Cysteine Dandelion Root Solid Extract
• Davana Oil
• 2-trans, 4-trans-Decadienal
• delta-Decalactone
• gamma-Decalactone
• Decanal
• Decanoic Acid
• 1-Decanol
• 2-Decenal
• Dehydromenthofurolactone
• Diethyl Malonate
• Diethyl Sebacate
• 2,3-Diethylpyrazine
• Dihydro Anethole
• 5,7-Dihydro-2-Methylthieno(3,4-D) Pyrimidine
• Dill Seed Oil and Extract
• meta-Dimethoxybenzene
• para-Dimethoxybenzene
• 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol
• Dimethyl Succinate
• 3,4-Dimethyl-1,2 Cyclopentanedione
• 3,5- Dimethyl-1,2-Cyclopentanedione
• 3,7-Dimethyl-1,3,6-Octatriene
• 4,5-Dimethyl-3-Hydroxy-2,5-
• 6,10-Dimethyl-5,9-Undecadien-
• 3,7-Dimethyl-6-Octenoic Acid
• 2,4 Dimethylacetophenone
• alpha,para-Dimethylbenzyl Alcohol
• alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethyl Acetate
• alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate
• 2,3-Dimethylpyrazine
• 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine
• 2,6-Dimethylpyrazine
• Dimethyltetrahydrobenzofuranone
• delta-Dodecalactone
• gamma-Dodecalactone
• para-Ethoxybenzaldehyde
• Ethyl 10-Undecenoate
• Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate
• Ethyl Acetate
• Ethyl Acetoacetate
• Ethyl Alcohol
• Ethyl Benzoate
• Ethyl Butyrate
• Ethyl Cinnamate
• Ethyl Decanoate
• Ethyl Fenchol
• Ethyl Furoate
• Ethyl Heptanoate
• Ethyl Hexanoate
• Ethyl Isovalerate
• Ethyl Lactate
• Ethyl Laurate
• Ethyl Levulinate
• Ethyl Maltol
• Ethyl Methyl Phenylglycidate
• Ethyl Myristate
• Ethyl Nonanoate
• Ethyl Octadecanoate
• Ethyl Octanoate
• Ethyl Oleate
• Ethyl Palmitate
• Ethyl Phenylacetate
• Ethyl Propionate
• Ethyl Salicylate
• Ethyl trans-2-Butenoate
• Ethyl Valerate
• Ethyl Vanillin
• 2-Ethyl (or Methyl)-(3,5 and 6)-Methoxypyrazine
• 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol, 3-Ethyl -2 -Hydroxy2-Cyclopenten-1-One
• 2-Ethyl-3, (5 or 6)-Dimethylpyrazine
• 5-Ethyl-3-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2 (5H)-Furanone
• 2-Ethyl-3-Methylpyrazine
• 4-Ethylbenzaldehyde
• 4-Ethylguaiacol
• para-Ethylphenol
• 3-Ethylpyridine
• Eucalyptol
• Farnesol
• D-Fenchone
• Fennel Sweet Oil
• Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute
• Fig Juice Concentrate
• Food Starch Modified
• Furfuryl Mercaptan
• 4-(2-Furyl)-3-Buten-2-One
• Galbanum Oil
• Genet Absolute
• Gentian Root Extract
• Geraniol
• Geranium Rose Oil
• Geranyl Acetate
• Geranyl Butyrate
• Geranyl Formate
• Geranyl Isovalerate
• Geranyl Phenylacetate
• Ginger Oil and Oleoresin
• 1-Glutamic Acid
• 1-Glutamine
• Glycerol
• Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated
• Grape Juice Concentrate
• Guaiac Wood Oil
• Guaiacol
• Guar Gum
• 2,4-Heptadienal
• gamma-Heptalactone
• Heptanoic Acid
• 2-Heptanone
• 3-Hepten-2-One
• 2-Hepten-4-One
• 4-Heptenal
• trans -2-Heptenal
• Heptyl Acetate
• omega-6-Hexadecenlactone
• gamma-Hexalactone
• Hexanal
• Hexanoic Acid
• 2-Hexen-1-Ol
• 3-Hexen-1-Ol
• cis-3-Hexen-1-Yl Acetate
• 2-Hexenal
• 3-Hexenoic Acid
• trans-2-Hexenoic Acid
• cis-3-Hexenyl Formate
• Hexyl 2-Methylbutyrate
• Hexyl Acetate
• Hexyl Alcohol
• Hexyl Phenylacetate
• 1-Histidine
• Honey
• Hops Oil
• Hydrolyzed Milk Solids
• Hydrolyzed Plant Proteins
• 5-Hydroxy-2,4-Decadienoic Acid delta-Lactone
• 4-Hydroxy-2,5-Dimethyl-3(2H)-Furanone
• 2-Hydroxy-3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-Cyclohexen-1-One
• 4-Hydroxy -3-Pentenoic Acid Lactone
• 2-Hydroxy-4-Methylbenzaldehyde
• 4-Hydroxybutanoic Acid Lactone
• Hydroxycitronellal
• 6-Hydroxydihydrotheaspirane
• 4-(para-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-Butanone
• Hyssop Oil
• Immortelle Absolute and Extract
• alpha-Ionone
• beta-Ionone
• alpha-Irone
• Isoamyl Acetate
• Isoamyl Benzoate
• Isoamyl Butyrate
• Isoamyl Cinnamate
• Isoamyl Formate, IsoamylHexanoate
• Isoamyl Isovalerate
• Isoamyl Octanoate
• Isoamyl Phenylacetate
• Isobornyl Acetate
• Isobutyl Acetate
• Isobutyl Alcohol
• Isobutyl Cinnamate
• Isobutyl Phenylacetate
• Isobutyl Salicylate
• 2-Isobutyl-3-Methoxypyrazine
• alpha-Isobutylphenethyl Alcohol
• Isobutyraldehyde
• Isobutyric Acid
• d,l-Isoleucine
• alpha-Isomethylionone
• 2-Isopropylphenol
• Isovaleric Acid
• Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil
• Kola Nut Extract
• Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin
• Lactic Acid
• Lauric Acid
• Lauric Aldehyde
• Lavandin Oil
• Lavender Oil
• Lemon Oil and Extract
• Lemongrass Oil
• 1-Leucine
• Levulinic Acid
• Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract
and Powder
• Lime Oil
• Linalool
• Linalool Oxide
• Linalyl Acetate
• Linden Flowers
• Lovage Oil And Extract
• 1-Lysine]
• Mace Powder, Extract and Oil
• Magnesium Carbonate
• Malic Acid
• Malt and Malt Extract
• Maltodextrin
• Maltol
• Maltyl Isobutyrate
• Mandarin Oil
• Maple Syrup and Concentrate
• Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil
• para-Mentha-8-Thiol-3-One
• Menthol
• Menthone
• Menthyl Acetate
• dl-Methionine
• Methoprene
• 2-Methoxy-4-Methylphenol
• 2-Methoxy-4-Vinylphenol
• para-Methoxybenzaldehyde
• 1-(para-Methoxyphenyl)-1-Penten-3-One
• 4-(para-Methoxyphenyl)-2-Butanone
• 1-(para-Methoxyphenyl)-2-Propanone
• Methoxypyrazine
• Methyl 2-Furoate
• Methyl 2-Octynoate
• Methyl 2-Pyrrolyl Ketone
• Methyl Anisate
• Methyl Anthranilate
• Methyl Benzoate
• Methyl Cinnamate
• Methyl Dihydrojasmonate
• Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated
• Methyl Isovalerate
• Methyl Linoleate (48%)
• Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture
• Methyl Naphthyl Ketone
• Methyl Nicotinate
• Methyl Phenylacetate
• Methyl Salicylate
• Methyl Sulfide
• 3-Methyl-1-Cyclopentadecanone
• 4-Methyl-1-Phenyl-2-Pentanone
• 5-Methyl-2-Phenyl-2-Hexenal
• 5-Methyl-2-Thiophene-carboxaldehyde
• 6-Methyl-3,-5-Heptadien-2-One
• 2-Methyl-3-(para-Isopropylphenyl) Propionaldehyde
• 5-Methyl-3-Hexen-2-One
• 1-Methyl-3Methoxy-4-Isopropylbenzene
• 4-Methyl-3-Pentene-2-One
• 2-Methyl-4-Phenylbutyraldehyde
• 6-Methyl-5-Hepten-2-One
• 4-Methyl-5-Thiazoleethanol
• 4-Methyl-5-Vinylthiazole
• Methyl-alpha-Ionone
• Methyl-trans-2-Butenoic Acid
• 4-Methylacetophenone
• para-Methylanisole
• alpha-Methylbenzyl Acetate
• alpha-Methylbenzyl Alcohol
• 2-Methylbutyraldehyde
• 3-Methylbutyraldehyde
• 2-Methylbutyric Acid
• alpha-Methylcinnamaldehyde
• Methylcyclopentenolone
• 2-Methylheptanoic Acid
• 2-Methylhexanoic Acid
• 3-Methylpentanoic Acid
• 4-Methylpentanoic Acid
• 2-Methylpyrazine
• 5-Methylquinoxaline
• 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran-3-One
• (Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers)
• 3-Methylthiopropionaldehyde
• Methyl 3-Methylthiopropionate
• 2-Methylvaleric Acid
• Mimosa Absolute and Extract
• Molasses Extract and Tincture
• Mountain Maple Solid Extract
• Mullein Flowers
• Myristaldehyde
• Myristic Acid
• Myrrh Oil
• beta-Napthyl Ethyl Ether
• Nerol
• Neroli Bigarde Oil
• Nerolidol
• Nona-2-trans,6-cis-Dienal
• 2,6-Nonadien-1-Ol
• gamma-Nonalactone
• Nonanal
• Nonanoic Acid
• Nonanone
• trans-2-Nonen-1-Ol
• 2-Nonenal
• Nonyl Acetate
• Nutmeg Powder and Oil
• Oak Chips Extract and Oil
• Oak Moss Absolute
• 9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (48%)
And 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid (52%)
• delta-Octalactone
• gamma-Octalactone
• Octanal
• Octanoic Acid
• 1-Octanol
• 2-Octanone
• 3-Octen-2-One
• 1-Octen-3-Ol
• 1-Octen-3-Yl Acetate
• 2-Octenal
• Octyl Isobutyrate
• Oleic Acid
• Olibanum Oil
• Opoponax Oil And Gum
• Orange Blossoms Water, Absolute, and Leaf Absolute
• Orange Oil and Extract
• Origanum Oil
• Orris Concrete Oil and Root
• Palmarosa Oil
• Palmitic Acid
• Parsley Seed Oil
• Patchouli Oil
• omega-Pentadecalactone
• 2,3-Pentanedione
• 2-Pentanone
• 4-Pentenoic Acid
• 2-Pentylpyridine
• Pepper Oil, Black And White
• Peppermint Oil
• Peruvian (Bois De Rose) Oil
• Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil
• alpha-Phellandrene
• 2-Phenenthyl Acetate
• Phenenthyl Alcohol
• Phenethyl Butyrate
• Phenethyl Cinnamate
• Phenethyl Isobutyrate
• Phenethyl Isovalerate
• Phenethyl Phenylacetate
• Phenethyl Salicylate
• 1-Phenyl-1-Propanol
• 3-Phenyl-1-Propanol
• 2-Phenyl-2-Butenal
• 4-Phenyl-3-Buten-2-Ol
• 4-Phenyl-3-Buten-2-One
• Phenylacetaldehyde
• Phenylacetic Acid
• 1-Phenylalanine
• 3-Phenylpropionaldehyde
• 3-Phenylpropionic Acid
• 3-Phenylpropyl Acetate
• 3-Phenylpropyl Cinnamate
• 2-(3-Phenylpropyl)Tetrahydrofuran
• Phosphoric Acid
• Pimenta Leaf Oil
• Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch
• Pineapple Juice Concentrate
• alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene
• D-Piperitone
• Piperonal
• Pipsissewa Leaf Extract
• Plum Juice
• Potassium Sorbate
• 1-Proline
• Propenylguaethol
• Propionic Acid
• Propyl Acetate
• Propyl para-Hydroxybenzoate
• Propylene Glycol
• 3-Propylidenephthalide
• Prune Juice and Concentrate
• Pyridine
• Pyroligneous Acid And Extract
• Pyrrole
• Pyruvic Acid
• Raisin Juice Concentrate
• Rhodinol
• Rose Absolute and Oil
• Rosemary Oil
• Rum
• Rum Ether
• Rye Extract
• Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage
• Salicylaldehyde
• Sandalwood Oil, Yellow
• Sclareolide
• Skatole
• Smoke Flavor
• Snakeroot Oil
• Sodium Acetate
• Sodium Benzoate
• Sodium Bicarbonate
• Sodium Carbonate
• Sodium Chloride
• Sodium Citrate
• Sodium Hydroxide
• Solanone
• Spearmint Oil
• Styrax Extract, Gum and Oil
• Sucrose Octaacetate
• Sugar Alcohols
• Sugars
• Tagetes Oil
• Tannic Acid
• Tartaric Acid
• Tea Leaf and Absolute
• alpha-Terpineol
• Terpinolene
• Terpinyl Acetate
• 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydroquinoxaline
• 1,5,5,9-Tetramethyl-13-Oxatricyclo(,9))Tridecane
• 2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6-
• 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine
• Thiamine Hydrochloride
• Thiazole
• 1-Threonine
• Thyme Oil, White and Red
• Thymol
• Tobacco Extracts
• Tochopherols (mixed)
• Tolu Balsam Gum and Extract
• Tolualdehydes
• para-Tolyl 3-Methylbutyrate
• para-Tolyl Acetaldehyde
• para-Tolyl Acetate
• para-Tolyl Isobutyrate
• para-Tolyl Phenylacetate
• Triacetin
• 2-Tridecanone
• 2-Tridecenal
• Triethyl Citrate
• 3,5,5-Trimethyl -1-Hexanol
• para,alpha,alpha-Trimethylbenzyl Alcohol
• 4-(2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohex-1-
• 2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohex-2-
• 2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,
3-Dienyl Methan
• 4-(2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,
• 2,2,6-Trimethylcyclohexanone
• 2,3,5-Trimethylpyrazine
• 1-Tyrosine
• delta-Undercalactone
• gamma-Undecalactone
• Undecanal
• 2-Undecanone, 1
• 0-Undecenal
• Urea
• Valencene
• Valeraldehyde
• Valerian Root Extract, Oil
and Powder
• Valeric Acid
• gamma-Valerolactone
• Valine
• Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin
• Vanillin
• Veratraldehyde
• Vetiver Oil
• Vinegar
• Violet Leaf Absolute
• Walnut Hull Extract
• Water
• Wheat Extract And Flour
• Wild Cherry Bark Extract
• Wine and Wine Sherry
• Xanthan Gum
• 3,4-Xylenol
• Yeast


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms and Activities That Might Help

Withdrawal Symptoms and Activities That Might Help*



Dry mouth; sore throat, gums, or tongue

Sip ice-cold water or fruit juice, or chew gum.


Take a warm bath or shower. Try relaxation or meditation techniques.

Trouble sleeping

Don't drink coffee, tea or soda with caffeine after 6:00 p.m. Again, try relaxation or meditation techniques.


Add roughage to your diet, such as raw fruit, vegetables, and whole grain cereals. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.


Take a nap. Try not to push yourself during this time; don't expect too much of your body until it's had a chance to begin to heal itself over a couple of weeks.


Drink water or low-calorie liquids. Eat low-fat, low-calorie snacks. See Snack Calorie Chart.

Tenseness, irritability

Take a walk, soak in a hot bath, try relaxation or meditation techniques.


Sip warm herbal tea. Suck on cough drops or sugarless hard candy.

* Adapted from Quitting Times:

A Magazine for Women Who Smoke, funded by the
Pennsylvania Department of Health; prepared by
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Just Before Quitting

Just Before Quitting
Practice going without cigarettes.
Don't think of never smoking again. Think of quitting in terms of 1 day at a time.
Tell yourself you won't smoke today, and then don't.
Clean your clothes to rid them of the cigarette smell, which can linger a long time. 

On the Day You Quit
Throw away all your cigarettes and matches. Hide your lighters and ash trays.
Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned to get rid of tobacco stains. Notice how nice they look and resolve to keep them that way.
Make a list of things you'd like to buy for yourself or someone else. Estimate the cost in terms of packs of cigarettes, and put the money aside to buy these presents.
Keep very busy on the big day. Go to the movies, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding.
Remind your family and friends that this is your quit date, and ask them to help you over the rough spots of the first couple of days and weeks.
Buy yourself a treat or do something special to celebrate.

Friday, May 18, 2007

It's easy to quit smoking...

It's easy to quit smoking...

Mario Tosto

"It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times!" So goes a quote often attributed to Mark Twain. Anyone who has been addicted to nicotine can relate.

Take me, for example. I started smoking in my teens, like a lot of kids my age. It’s not considered as cool today, but then there were plenty of influences saying, “Smoking is cool.” There were splashy cigarette ads on television, magazine and billboard ads, not to mention ashtrays everywhere. And almost everyone in the movies, and some on TV, smoked.

While today's attitudes about smoking are decidedly different, many people are still struggling with addiction to nicotine. If my own experience is any measure, there will come a time when most of them will desperately want to quit. I remember one time when I was laid up with a very heavy cold—flat out on my bed coughing and wheezing in pain. To my own surprise, I rolled over to the nightstand and lit up a cigarette. Spluttering uncontrollably I suddenly saw my addiction as the humiliating thing it was. Even so, I couldn’t quit.

A few years later I was introduced to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. As I read and thought about the ideas in that book, for the first time I started to think about my identity from a spiritual perspective. There are many instances where the author writes about man being as perfect as God. For instance, “The spiritual man's consciousness and individuality are reflections of God.”

For me, this meant my identity was insured by an unbreakable law of divine Cause and effect. With a perfect (un-addicted) God as the Cause of my existence and the shaper of my identity, I was fundamentally free of addiction to anything harmful. What appeared as addiction was simply a misstatement about my true identity.

I thought of it like graffiti scribbled over the surface of something good and beautiful. Underneath the superimposed ugliness is the natural state. Thinking further on this I understood that my previous unsuccessful attempts to quit stemmed from a belief that my identity included being a smoker. But if you believe you’re a smoker who is trying not to smoke, you set up an awful inner tension between what you believe yourself to be and what you are attempting to be.

In the past, I had found that with sufficient will power I could live with this tension and not smoke. Once this went as long as eleven months. But the problem with will power in the face of this tension is that it was a lot easier to maintain as long as my sense of self, or ego, wasn’t challenged. But where can you go in this world where your ego won’t be challenged? So, soon I'd be smoking again—because really, I was still thinking of myself as a smoker.

But reading Science and Health was beginning to convince me that the label of “smoker” just wasn't part of the real me, the me God had made in His own image and likeness. Knowing this encouraged me to take a stand for my true identity, and to take an antagonistic stand against the smoking. So I stopped. But more importantly, I stopped thinking of myself as a smoker. Within two or three weeks even the urge to smoke was gone.

I was feeling pretty good about not smoking for several months when one night a misunderstanding with my then girlfriend shook me up emotionally. It started late in the evening and proceeded to get worse by the hour. Finally I broke down, strode to the nearby convenience store and bought a pack of cigarettes. I had smoked about ten of them by the time the misunderstanding got cleared up. The misunderstanding in the end turned out to be a stupid mistake on my part.

I went to bed and a few (a very few) hours later got ready for work. As I was going out the door I spotted the half empty cigarette pack lying on the kitchen counter. I recalled the times when smoking just one cigarette had been enough for me to begin the habit again after I’d managed to quit simply through sheer will power. But this time was different. I remembered that I was not a smoker and didn't really want to smoke. So I flipped the pack into the trash and went on with my day.

Only one more time did I ever light up again—out of curiosity. It took me all of ten seconds to realize what a ridiculously foreign activity this was to me. And I've been free from that desire for many years now.

I'm convinced anyone can break this stubborn habit by reflecting on and cherishing their true identity as the spiritual offspring of God. The power of that spiritual fact is an effective solvent, lifting away the graffiti of superimposed labels, and letting our innate purity and freedom shine forth.

Spirituality a Smoking Cessation Aid

Spirituality a Smoking Cessation Aid, Study Says
May 9, 2007

Most smokers say they would welcome ways to integrate their personal spiritual beliefs into their attempts to quit smoking cigarettes, and research suggests that a spiritual component could improve the odds of quitting.

Oregon Health & Sciences University researchers found that 78 percent of current smokers believed that incorporating spirituality into their quit attempt could be helpful. The finding echoed anecdotal reports by patients encountered by school researchers.

"We know that smoking-cessation medications coupled with behavioral interventions increase quit rates, but quitting is still difficult and some smokers need more support in order to quit successfully," said lead study author David Gonzales, Ph.D. By excluding spiriatuality from interventions, he added, "We may be missing opportunities to assist these smokers."

"Our findings suggest that although not all clinicians want to talk about spirituality with their patients, those who do feel comfortable doing so will likely find most patients who smoke are receptive," Gonzales said. "Asking smoking patients if they have a spiritual practice or belief may be important to their care."

The study was published in the February 2007 issue of the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Gonzales, D., et al. (2007) Support for spirituality in smoking cessation: Results of pilot survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 9(2): 299-303.

How to Quit Smoking and Quit for Keeps

How to Quit Smoking and Quit for Keeps

What Happens After You Quit Smoking

Immediate Rewards

Within 12 hours after you have your last cigarette, your body will begin to heal itself. The levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine in your system will decline rapidly, and your heart and lungs will begin to repair the damage caused by cigarette smoke.

Within a few days you will probably begin to notice some remarkable changes in your body. Your sense of smell and taste may improve. You will breathe easier, and your smoker's hack will begin to disappear, although you may notice that you will continue to cough for a while. And you will be free from the mess, smell, inconvenience, expense, and dependence of cigarette smoking.

Immediate Effects

As your body begins to repair itself, instead of feeling better right away, you may feel worse for a while. It's important to understand that healing is a process; it begins immediately, but it continues over time. These "withdrawal pangs" are really symptoms of the recovery process.

Immediately after quitting, many ex-smokers experience "symptoms of recovery" such as temporary weight gain caused by fluid retention, irregularity, and dry, sore gums or tongue. You may feel edgy, hungry, more tired, and more short-tempered than usual and have trouble sleeping and notice that you are coughing a lot. These symptoms are the result of your body clearing itself of nicotine, a powerful addictive chemical. Most nicotine is gone from the body in 2-3 days.

Long-range Benefits

It is important to understand that the long range after-effects of quitting are only temporary and signal the beginning of a healthier life. Now that you've quit, you've added a number of healthy productive days to each year of your life. Most important, you've greatly improved your chances for a longer life. You have significantly reduced your risk of death from heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and several kinds of cancer; not just lung cancer. (Cigarette smoking is responsible every year for approximately 130,000 deaths from cancer, 170,000 deaths from heart disease, and 50,000 deaths from lung disease.)

Have your last cigarette and

  • In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
  • In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
  • In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
  • In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
  • In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
  • In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
  • In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
  • In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
  • In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
  • In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

~cigarette reaches brain 7-10 seconds
~patch :levels peak 2-6 hours
~gum: 20-30 minutes
~inhaler: 10-20 minutes

Therefore…still need to learn to tolerate cravings.

Who should use NRT?
Assess case by case
~Behavioural analysis
10 cigarettes or less not a good NRT candidate

Why NRT?
~Provides the body with sufficient nicotine to minimize withdrawl cravings
~Eliminates toxic substances from cigs
~Doubles quit rates -+103 studies proves
~Most effective with behavioural therapy
~Can be a part of cutting down

Naturopathic “NRT”
~Products to increase dopamine (tyrosine/DOPA/dopamine) (B6)[i]
-released by hypothalamus; precursor to epi + norepi synthesis in adrenals and nervous tissue
- activated with unexpected rewards in brain i.e. learned behaviours.
~ St. Johns Wort (see study Canadian Herbalism Journal)[ii]
~Sulphonyl (MSM)[iii]

Nicotine Gum:
~2mg or 4mg doses
~ “rescue” medication; doesn’t help chronically
~chew a few times then “park” on gums for oral mucosal absorption
~Females require higher doses of NRT (studies say). Therefore use 4mg.
~1 piece/hour. Max. up to 15 pieces.
~Provides nicotine w/in 20-30 minutes
~Nicotine receptors along GI : possible s/e = hiccups, st. upset
~Caffeine/acidity products lower absorption

The Inhaler
~S/E: nausea, st.upset, HA, mouth/throat irritation
~each cartridge = 10mg nicotine/1mg menthol
~can titrate use to pm/cartridge/24hours
-i.e. take 1-2 puffs, see if craving gone

The Patch:
~24 h continuous dose ideal for +1 pack/day
~can cut or alter patch (i.e. ½, ¾)
~may cause nightmares
~may cause local skin irritation: nicotine is an irritant
~21mg = +15 cigs/day
~14 mg = +7 cigs/day
~rotate patch site
~can combine with gum or inhaler

[i] Effect of vitamin B-6 nutrition on the levels of dopamine, dopamine metabolites, dopa decarboxylase activity, tyrosine, and GABA in the developing rat corpus striatum.

Reasons to quit smoking

To successfully quit smoking, you must be well-convinced of the validity of the decision. Start by making a list of the reasons why you want to quit smoking. You can then put this list in a visible spot.

Here is what some ex-smokers told us about their experience of quitting. Imagine the day when you can express the same point of view!
  • "I'm proud of myself."
  • "I feel the satisfaction of having won the battle."
  • "I don't impose my smoking on those around me."
  • "This valorizes me in the eyes of those around me." "My family is very pleased."
  • "I have more energy." " I am in better shape."
  • " I feel fresher when I wake up in the morning."
  • "I am less tired."
  • "I breathe better." "I can do sports more easily."
  • "I have rediscovered tastes and smells."
  • "I have more money available." "I save 25 Dollars a week (a fill-up at the gas station).
  • "I do not always have to think to bring cigarettes with me."
  • "I have better breath." "The smell on my clothes has disappeared."
  • "I don't always have to be preoccupied about my lungs."
  • "I do not cough anymore." "I do not have headaches anymore." "One gets sore throats less often.
The advantages of quitting smoking for your health:
  • In stopping smoking, you immediately lower the associated critical risks to your health. Whatever your age or state of health, it is NEVER too late to quit smoking.
  • People who have quit smoking before the age of 50 cut in half their risk of dying in the next fifteen years, as compared to those who continue to smoke.
  • Women who quit smoking before becoming pregnant or at the beginning of their pregnancy reduce the risks to the child and to themselves.
  • Parents who stop smoking reduce the risks of respiratory diseases for their children (asthma, infections, etc.), in addition to the risks of sudden infant death (SIDS).
  • If you have already a disease caused by tobacco, stopping smoking reduces the risks of complications of this disease.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Here are some quotes from Elders on tobacco:

"If your parents smoke, you will smoke. If you and your girlfriend smoke, your children will smoke and suffer."

"Tobacco was seen by our people as a gift from the Creator which would enable us to communicate with him. We were given tobacco because it affected the way we were able to think. It would give us an immediate feeling of heightened awareness because the tobacco we inhaled was that strong. We were given knowledge to fashion a pipe with which we could take very small puffs of tobacco smoke. We would only take small puffs, and then we would immediately blow out the smoke because smoke was not meant to be taken into our body and held there. The smoke needed to leave us in order to rise to the Creator with our prayers and thoughts. If we held it in our body, it would be an unnatural presence there.

Immediately after taking the puff of smoke, our minds would race, and our whole body would be affected by this smoke since tobacco is a very powerful medicine. It has a specific purpose which must not be abused." - Elder Danny Musqua.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Just how does smoking harm my health?

[This was posted to AS3 so long ago that the source has been lost. If
anyone knows where this is from, please e-mail]

* Lung Cancer risk increases roughly 50 to 100 percent for each
cigarette you smoke per day;

* Heart Disease risk increases roughly 100 percent for each pack of
cigarettes you smoke per day;

* Switching to filter-tip cigarettes reduces the risk of Lung Cancer
roughly 20 percent, but does not affect the risk of Heart Disease;

* Smokers spend 27 percent more time in the hospital and more
than twice
as much time in intensive care units as nonsmokers;

* Each cigarette costs the smoker 5 to 20 minutes of life;

* A smoker is at twice the risk of dying before age 65 as a

Source & For More Info:

If They Think Stopping Smoking Is Hard, There's One Man They Should Meet: The Scotsman

"I'm going to cure the world of smoking," shouted ALLEN CARR. She didn't know what to think. She'd been on at him about how he'd have to do something about his bronchitis, but it must have seemed a bit extreme. Fifteen and a half years later, he hasn't saved the world, but he hasn't done bad. The first clinic he opened within six months of that flash of comprehension has led to 40 others worldwide, from Joppa to Jerusalem, Quito to Kent. His first book, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, has been a best-seller in 20 languages (last year alone, it topped the German non-fiction list and was second in the Dutch: he stopped counting its British sales once it went past a million). He wrote another, more detailed book about nicotine addiction, and has just published a third, on how to stop children smoking. Between the books, the videos and the clinics (he has personally treated 25,000 clients), no man in the world has or is doing more to stub out our cigarette habit. . . From a smoker's point of view, the psychology of Carr's method is spot-on. The drug's to blame, not the smoker. Again, it's basic stuff, but if you realise how you are being manipulated by a chemical and how you then rationalise that feeling (got to smoke: it's a post-meal/post-coital/pre-deadline/coffee/social/firing squad/whatever kind of thing), it's quite easy to change that habitual behaviour. As Derek McGuff, whose Edinburgh clinic is Carr's only one in Scotland, points out: "Giving up smoking is no big deal. The idea that it is is part of the brainwashing." . . . HOW TO STOP YOUR CHILD SMOKING by Allen Carr is published by Penguin Books.


Waiting To Exhale Without Smoke--And Extra Pounds Chicago Tribune
    "When you're a smoker, you're talking about an average of between 300 and 600 trips to the mouth in a day," he says. "That's the traffic pattern. If you stop smoking, what is one of the earliest tips you hear? Put something in your mouth. It started with candy and gum, then for a few years we got healthy with carrots. Now it's non-consumables--straws, toothpicks." But he says those substitutes keep cravings alive. . . "A lot of people make radical change," he says. "That seems to be a prime contributor to difficulties. If you're quitting, it should be a very quiet ceremony, like putting a baby to sleep. You tiptoe away, you don't poke it and prod it."


A Brief Natruropathic Perspective

Dear Natural Choice Journal

I have smoked for many years and have tried to quit a number of times. Is there anything that you would suggest that I can do to make it easier or to help me quit smoking? .

Patricia Jackson, Halifax, N.S.

Response from Nutritional Consultant, Heather Scott, R.N.C.P.

Smoking causes nutritional deficiencies so your body will require additional help during this time. Since smoking affects blood sugar levels, do not be surprised if your appetite increases. That is normal and to be expected. Eat regular meals to maintain an even blood sugar level making sure to balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Be sure to eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables daily, in particular asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips apples berries, cantaloupe, cherries and grapes. Eat plenty of whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and high quality protein such as eggs, fish and chicken.

It is imperative that you avoid all junk foods, processed and refined foods, sugar and white flour products. A large component of cigarettes is sugar, so you may experience strong sugar cravings. L-glutamine is helpful with sugar and alcohol cravings. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells and lungs. Vitamins B complex, C, E and A are all important nutrients and antioxidants.

Many people have found live juice fasting a successful way to stop smoking. A live juice fast can quickly remove nicotine and other damaging chemicals from the body. A five-day fast is particularly effective.

Heather Scott, RNCP practices in Wallace, N.S., (902) 257-2428

Response from Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Matt Targett, N.D.

Smoking is a hard habit to overcome, and your best chance at beating it is to develop a plan. A naturopath can help with this plan by helping to detoxify the body of nicotine, which will help reduce the physical withdrawal symptoms. This is accomplished through a detoxifying diet or juice fast with the addition of cleansing herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion. Other herbs such as lobelia, valerian and oats will calm the nervous system to further help with withdrawal. Epsom salt baths are another useful trick to help rid the body of nicotine. Keeping lots of healthy snacks around, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, will also help ease the process. Lastly, acupuncture has been found to be a valuable method for helping people deal with addictions. Tiny needles can even be placed in the ears and left in all week, which a person can press and stimulate themselves to help overcome cravings.

Dr. Matt Targett, N.D. is a Naturopathic Doctor working in Summerside, PEI (902) 436-2674.


Smoking and Heart Disease

Heart Disease:
Smoking and Heart Disease

Most people associate cigarette smoking with breathing problems and lung cancer. But did you know that smoking is also a major cause of heart disease for men and women?

About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the U.S. are directly related to cigarette smoking. That's because smoking is a major cause of coronary artery disease.

A person's risk of heart attack greatly increases with the number of cigarettes he or she smokes. Smokers continue to increase their risk of heart attack the longer they smoke. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the risk of heart attack than non-smokers. Women who smoke and also take birth control pills increase several times their risk of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

Cigarette smoke not only affects smokers. When you smoke, the people around you are also at risk for developing health problems, especially children. Environmental tobacco smoke (also called passive smoke or second-hand smoke) affects people who are frequently around smokers. Second-hand smoke can cause chronic respiratory conditions, cancer and heart disease. It is estimated that around 35,000 nonsmokers die from heart disease each year as a result of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

How Does Smoking Increase Heart Disease Risk?

The nicotine present in smoke causes:

  • Decreased oxygen to the heart.
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Increase in blood clotting.
  • Damage to cells that line coronary arteries and other blood vessels.

How Can Quitting Smoking Be Helpful?

Now that you know how smoking can be harmful to your health and the health of those around you, here are some ways quitting can be helpful. If you quit smoking, you will:

  • Prolong your life.
  • Reduce your risk of disease (including heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, ulcers, gum disease and other conditions).
  • Feel healthier. After quitting, you won't cough as much, you'll have fewer sore throats and you will increase your stamina.
  • Look better. Quitting can help you prevent face wrinkles, get rid of stained teeth and improve your skin.
  • Improve your sense of taste and smell.
  • Save money.

How to Quit

There's no one way to quit smoking that works for everyone. To quit, you must be ready both emotionally and mentally. You must also want to quit smoking for yourself, and not to please your friends or family. It helps to plan ahead. This guide may help get your started.

What Should I Do First?

Pick a date to stop smoking and then stick to it.

Write down your reasons for quitting. Read over the list every day, before and after you quit. Here are some tips to think about.

  • Write down when you smoke, why you smoke and what you are doing when you smoke. You will learn what triggers you to smoke.
  • Stop smoking in certain situations (such as during your work break or after dinner) before actually quitting.
  • Make a list of activities you can do instead of smoking. Be ready to do something else when you want to smoke.
  • Ask your doctor about using nicotine gum or patches. Some people find these aids helpful.
  • Join a smoking cessation support group or program. Call your local chapter of the American Lung Association.
How Can I Avoid Relapsing?
  • Don't carry a lighter, matches or cigarettes. Keep all of these smoking reminders out of sight.
  • If you live with a smoker, ask that person not to smoke in your presence.
  • Don't focus on what you are missing. Think about the healthier way of life you are gaining.
  • When you get the urge to smoke, take a deep breath. Hold it for 10 seconds and release it slowly. Repeat this several times until the urge to smoke is gone.
  • Keep your hands busy. Doodle, play with a pencil or straw, or work on a computer.
  • Change activities that were connected to smoking. Take a walk or read a book instead of taking a cigarette break.
  • When you can, avoid places, people and situations associated with smoking. Hang out with non-smokers or go to places that don't allow smoking, such as the movies, museums, shops or libraries.
  • Don't substitute food or sugar-based products for cigarettes. Eat low-calorie, healthful foods (such as carrot or celery sticks, sugar-free hard candies) or chew gum when the urge to smoke strikes so you can avoid weight gain.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but limit alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. They can trigger urges to smoke.
  • Exercise. Exercising will help you relax.
  • Get support for quitting. Tell others about your milestones with pride.
  • Work with your doctor to develop a plan using over-the-counter or prescription nicotine-replacement aids.
How Will I Feel When I Quit?

You may crave cigarettes, be irritable, feel very hungry, cough often, get headaches or have difficulty concentrating. These symptoms of withdrawal occur because your body is used to nicotine, the active addicting agent within cigarettes.

When withdrawal symptoms occur within the first two weeks after quitting, stay in control. Think about your reasons for quitting. Remind yourself that these are signs that your body is healing and getting used to being without cigarettes.

The withdrawal symptoms are only temporary. They are strongest when you first quit but will usually go away within 10 to 14 days. Remember that withdrawal symptoms are easier to treat than the major diseases that smoking can cause.

You may still have the desire to smoke, since there are many strong associations with smoking. People may associate smoking with specific situations, with a variety of emotions or with certain people in their lives. The best way to overcome these associations is to experience them without smoking. If you relapse do not lose hope. Seventy-five percent of those who quit smoke again. Most smokers quit three times before they are successful. If you relapse, don't give up! Plan ahead and think about what you will do next time you get the urge to smoke.

The good news is your risk of heart disease is cut in half after quitting tobacco for one year. After 15 smoke free years, your risk is similar to that of a person who has never smoked.


Starting at the Tissues

The first step toward neoplasia is cellular transformation. The chronic irritation from cigarette smoke has led to an exchanging of one type of epithelium (the normal respiratory epithelium at the right) for another (the more resilient squamous epithelium at the left). Thus, there is metaplasia of normal respiratory laryngeal epithelium to squamous epithelium in response to chronic irritation of smoking.

The two forms of cellular transformation that are potentially reversible, but may be steps toward a neoplasm, are:

  • Metaplasia: the exchange of normal epithelium for another type of epithelium. Metaplasia is reversible when the stimulus for it is taken away.

  • Dysplasia: a disordered growth and maturation of an epithelium, which is still reversible if the factors driving it are eliminated.
